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Health Council Minutes 06/28/01
                                         MINUTES OF THE
Regular Meeting of June 28, 2001

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Dukes County Health Council held on June 28, 2001.

Meeting called to order at 8:08 a.m.    
Members Present:                                                                                                                                                         *Ex Officio
Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Les Holcomb     
Murray Frank                            Katherine Colon
Patty Begley                            Sarah Isenberg          
Sarah Kuh *                                             
Jacque Cage                             Chris Knowles
Arthur Wortzel                          Ned Robinson-Lynch                      
Michele Lazerow                 Kathleen Rose                   
Sharon Clauss-Zanger            Else Membreno                   
        Tad Crawford                            Fred Rundlet
         Bob Sawyer                             Kevin Burchill
        Jane Cleare                             Peter Strock    
        Lorna Andrade                   Tom Dresser
Also Present:  Marsha Smolev, Sarah Needham (JSI), Nancy Kasen (JSI), Joyce
                Steward, C. Bender
          Matt Poole                            Carol Borer*    Marguerite Bergstrom*   
 Elizabeth Norcross                    Karen Kukolich  Sandra Lothrop*
         Dennis Hoak                           Cathy Brennan
  Maureen Kelly                 Eric Butler             
          Kathy Logue                           Bud Macy                                        
The meeting opened at 8:08 AM.  Tad Crawford requested that voting on the Minutes be deferred until he had the opportunity to review them.  There was discussion about releasing draft Minutes and about the Open Meeting Law. Commissioner Sawyer reminded the Council that members took an oath to abide by the Open meeting Law and that Health Council meetings are public meetings.

Tad Crawford gave the Treasurer’s Report.  He reported that the County Commissioners appropriated $5000 for Operating Funds and agreed to look at the needs of the Island Health Plan during the Supplemental Budget.  Tad Crawford said there is still a shortfall.  The Health Council is hoping the County will fund an additional $70,000.  The Access Program will be fully funded if the Mini Grant comes through.  Arthur Wortzel Moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Murray Frank Seconded the Motion. The Vote to accept was unanimous.
Nancy Kasen presented an update on Phase III. The 3 constituencies needed to buy into the Plan in order for it to work are: providers, employers, consumers.  Meetings are being held with these groups to determine what would get them to participate.  At this point, there is no specific premium and the information from actuaries is only used as a guide. There was some discussion about the cost of the insurance and whether or not the Plan could compete with other plans.  

Fred Rundlet said a healthy employee is a productive employee and turnovers are costly – insurance locks the employee in.  He suggested building a tax incentive into the Plan, so employers would be eager to join.  Sarah Kuh mentioned that some employees are only insured when they’re unemployed.  Cynthia Mitchell discussed the Insurance Partnership Program, a program that subsidizes part of the family’s share of insurance.

Murray Frank recalled that the County Commissioners suggested including in public contracts, that if public funds are used to buy from vendors, insurance must be provided.  Cynthia Mitchell said some of the $500,000 that went to the Emergency Room Services this year, could be available for this type program in the future. The need to develop a database of employees was discussed.  Several sources of names were: the US Post Office, the SSA, the Gazette.

Sarah Kuh reported the resignation of Teresa Rodrigues.  She also reported that three years ago there were 800 people enrolled in Mass Health.  There are over 1600 now.  

Jane Cleare reported that the Chronic Illness Network is working on appointing its Board of Directors.  The goal of this Network is to facilitate.  

Tad Crawford noted that some funding sources are drying up.  About $33,000 to $35,000 is being carried forward from FY 2001.  Tad Crawford mentioned that Dr. Michael Goldfein helped raise $7,000 to be used for a program involving school nurses and Vineyard Pediatrics.  Ned Robinson-Lynch suggested sending participants to a weeklong training session by the Grantsmanship Center.  He commended Murray Frank on his success in grant writing, but said it may be time to formulate a strategic plan for future grant writing. Fred Rundlet mentioned the need for different organizations to plan together, since they are often applying for the same pool of funds.  

The Dental Clinic is functioning again.  
Michele Lazerow reported that the Prevention Task Force is now being called the Committee on Health Promotion.  She asked that the Council members who went to the Healthy Communities Forum share what they learned there.  Chairman Mitchell said this topic would have a feature spot on the next agenda.

Cynthia Mitchell reported that Pat Fairchild was finalizing the application for year 2 of the Lighthouse Grant.  We are almost assured of 75% funding, about $136,000 for Island projects.  

Arthur Wortzel reported on the collaborative Symposium with the Foundation for Island Health, which will be held on August 12.

The meeting adjourned at 10:08 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Smolev
Executive Assistant